Sunday 25 April 2021

Be in control of what you consume via social media

It is a well-known fact that reading the news and repeatedly accessing social media feeds can negatively impact our mental health. 

When you realise how much of what we see is controlled by others, for example when watching the docudrama Social Dilemma, maybe there comes a time when we must take back our control over what we see on the internet and how our data is used illegally or to manipulate us.

I'm been thinking about this for a while just because I have been aware of how much Facebook is blocking natural health solutions from being seen on its platform. I know that there are wild claims out there that 'such-and-such' cures cancer, etc. but even those of us who are ethical in our posts and suggestion are losing our reach or having posts removed for spurious reasons. 

There are various social media sites that are being used to manipulate us and seeing as it doesn't seem to be getting any better maybe now is the time to make better choices for ourselves. 

That is why I have been mentioning in my Facebook 'lives' that I am moving over to promises no ads, no spyware and was even mentioned by Web Inventor Tim Berners-Lee here Interview: Web inventor Tim Berners-Lee thinks his creation is out of control. Here's his plan to save it - BBC Science Focus Magazine. When the inventor of the internet is worried about how his invention is being used you know that we have a major problem. 

I would rather be in control of censoring my own social media input without someone else deciding for me what I should be consuming about my health, my soul or what the 'facts' are. I am aware of checking my sources and although that seems to be becoming increasingly complicated it is still doable if you are willing to put in the effort. I also want to be able to share my experiences of natural health solutions and soul healing without fear of censorship. And I want you to be able to make your own choices about whether you want to see my content or not.

Join me if you would like

So come and join me if you want and make up your own mind about what I post and share. You don't have to agree with me, I will always respect your rights to have your own opinions and I know that you are an amazing human being even if we disagree on things.

I'm on here so come and connect and/or join me in my group Essentially Together with Viv on where I share tips and tricks about my life and passions. Then if you want to move away from WhatsApp I'm on Telegram as an alternative platform and I also have places on there where I share information about essential oils if you want to join me.

Here are some further recommendations

Forego YouTube recommendations; SUBSCRIBE to the channels you want to see and turn on notifications so you only watch the stuff you want to watch. You can even remove the recommended section using the Google Chrome Extension Unhook or move to a freedom first platform like BitChute.

Move to an AD free social media platform like where your data remains your own.

Move to an open-source messaging service like Telegram which unlike WhatsApp is not affiliated to Facebook. There's an alternative called Signal too

Be aware that you might not be seeing the information on Facebook that you want to so check in on your friends every so often. Favourite those people whose activities you want to see first and maybe move others into friend's lists on FB so that you can check in on people more easily. Maybe even pick up the phone to check on your friends as things are not always what they seem on social media.

Limit how much you read the news or even choose to read the positive stuff Home - Positive News - Positive News.

Bring awareness to what you are seeing online and stop scrolling if you feel it isn't serving your wellbeing.

Watch Social Dilemma - it seems to be free to watch on a fair few sites.

Monday 29 March 2021

Essential Oil First Aid Kit

Here is a great list of essential oils that you can add to your first aid kit. I have given options so that you can choose your favourites. I have also colour coded where an individual oil appears more than once in the lists.

These oils are taken from Medicinal Essential Oils by Dr. Scott A. Johnson. I have only selected a few for each condition or use.

I have added a few doTERRA blends for specific purposes which contain the relevant oils listed as part of the blend.

Here is also the associated Facebook 'live' I did about this topic. I talk about making a kit for myself and one for my husband for when he is working in the woods.

If you want to ask me any questions about essential oils please get in touch.

Button to book a free discovery call with Viv Chambelrin-Kidd about essential oils at

If you want to be part of a channel where I post about essential oil facts but also other stuff then join me

Wednesday 24 March 2021

Poem about being essentially me

Compassion not division

Treacherous waters, rapids and stones unseen
The undercurrent, twisting and mean
Can I navigate these with no training
I feel out of my depth, afloat on uncharted waters
Should I stand and be counted, scrutinised at close quarters
This shit is so draining, explaining
I've done this forever, seen differently, acted outlier
Been a non-complier
But this isn't a thing, but it is
It doesn't make me different, but it does
I'm just me, I've always been me
I was never in a closet
I don't need to step out
But these words, these describers, these descriptors
Are holding me captive
Like a snake around my throat,
Do I really need to speak out?
Jump on a bandwagon that shouldn't even be there
Say who I am, declare
These words have trapped me, collapsed me
As I navigate an ever-changing vocabulary Undercurrents, treacherous waters
Too many shoulds, shouldn'ts, oughtas
And I'm left adrift
As a sense a shift
In me, that wasn't there before
That I just want to ignore, because
I abhor
That it has to stated - the need to show compassion and kindness
Which should just be a right for all, not a divider
Purely due to your gender, race, orientation or any other qualifier

Monday 15 March 2021

Legacy is a circular thing & a wonderful acronym for life

During my core shamanic practitioner training I learnt to 'psychopomp' people. Psychopomp is derived from a Greek word that literally means 'guide of souls.' The shamanic ritual of psychompomping is therefore making sure that the soul of a deceased person gets to the shamanic land of the dead

This new way of viewing death and just the act of openly talking about death gave me a different view on where I am going when I die and how that fits in the amazing circle of life. Subsequent talks about:

  1. ancestors and those that come before and after my time on this earth in this body
  2. time and how in the spirit world it is not linear as it is on earth
  3. reincarnation and choosing to live on earth again as a different lifeform 
were just some of the things that got me thinking about my legacy but only really as a vague thought in my mind rattling around but not really taking up space enough for me to really formulate any ideas.

Nothing brings these ideas into focus more than the death of a significant person and so my Dad's death in January 2020 re-engaged my thoughts around legacy and what it means to me. I wrote about my Dad's legacy in a previous blog post here. My Dad wanted to finish writing his latest book once he knew he was dying and it is such a gift to have all his published books to look at as something that has lasted beyond his time on this earth.

What does legacy mean to me?

The word legacy is derived from the Latin legatus meaning 'ambassador.' The meaning has changed over time and is now more linked to what is left after your death especially in a will but I am taking the word back to its legatus meaning.

After my Dad died and with lockdown starting soon after his death I was given the chance to do some personal healing work by attending an ancestral healing shamanic course. I was able to heal some of my ancestors from all four of my grandparent's lines and bring them into my shamanic work as ancestral healing guides. It made so much sense that healing those who have gone before and making sure that they were safely in the land of the dead would have such an important impact on all those ancestors who have come after those relatives.

This is when it really hit me that being an ambassador is not only leaving the planet a better place for those who come after me (whether my direct offspring, those whose lives I have touched or even anyone who is here after me) but also that I need to be the best I can be for those who have come before me. So many amazing people are in my family tree - so many experiences, so many obstacles overcome; so much learning and growth; so many amazing gifts and sacrifices and that doesn't even include the miracle of my existence on this planet.

You are a miracle

The proof is in this article here. The likelihood that you were born to the ancestors you have is truly a miracle: an event so unlikely as to be almost impossible.

So my challenge to you (and to myself) is to truly act like the miracle you. As one of my favourite artists Nik Kershaw sings in You Don't Have to Be The Sun - "you don't have to be the sun to shine on me, just the miracle you are!"

As a helping hand and because I love a great acronym feel free to use the following to help you be your truly awesome, miraculous being.

L = Love. Love yourself. Love everything you do. Love your life. Bring love to others you connect with

E = Everything. Do everything you do at 100% but that includes resting, failing, learning, loving and being with your friends (give them 100% of your attention!)

G = Gratitude. Find whatever you can to be grateful for. This isn't always easy but even if you can think of is that you are still breathing, thinking and feeling that is enough.

A = Authenticity. Be totally you! We have established you are a miracle so be miraculously you. Share your uniqueness with the world in whatever joyous ways you can. 

C = Creative. Find a place beyond your comfort zone and be creative with sharing yourself with the world via your friends, family or whoever you resonate with. Find the thing that makes you feel amazing about yourself.

Y = You. Remember you are the sum of your ancestors who came before you and will come after you. Take those gifts from them and thank them daily. Share those gifts with anyone/everyone. You leave your legacy with every person you interact with so make it a great interaction. 

If you want to hear more go and watch my FB 'live' about from New Year's Eve 2020. 

If you want to have a chat with me about any of my healing sessions whether it be about ancestral stuff, a lost loved one or anything else please book a free call. I'm always here to help if I can and if that resonates with you. [click button below]

If you are wanting any help with grieving over a lost loved one then there are also essential oils that are fantastic in helping with the process so a chat about that is also something I am more than happy to have with you. My free eBook and extra stuff are also available on my member site here

There is also a video I have done about essential oils and grieving here as well as two videos about using oils with emotions here and here.

Book Now button to book a call with me
I'm here to help

To be or not to be a woman, a man, non-binary, gender-fluid...

What do you do when it is International Women's Day and you don't necessarily identify as a woman?

As a child I was often mistaken for a boy even being accosted outside of female toilets and told I had been in the wrong one.

I was the first and only girl in a Church choir for over 3 years from the age of 6. I sang, as a boy, in Chester Cathedral Choir with no-one ever suspecting. I sang as a Shepherd Boy in my Junior School Nativity play as all the female parts were given to the girls but they forgot about me!

I spoke about some of these observations and more in my FB 'live' on 11th March having not written anything for International Women's day. You can watch it on YouTube here.

I find talking about gender / sex interesting especially now with teenage kids who have friends who are transgendered, gender fluid, non-binary, have chosen their pronouns, etc. In some ways my children and their peers see the world quite differently from the one I grew up in. However, there are many similarities with how I used to feel as a kid. I feel that growing up I never really identified with being a girl or woman. I just accepted it as something that was but didn't define me. Growing up with 3 older brothers and being mistaken for a boy so often I wonder, was I giving off a vibe of being non-woman or do I feel that way because of how I was treated as a child? 

What I have come to realise for me though is that it doesn't matter. I am Viv. If I really wanted to choose my pronouns I would ask that I be called Viv and not referred to as she or he or they. However, I am not going to ask that of people because deep in my soul I am me and what I am referred to by others will never stop that from being true. I totally understand how empowering making those choices can be and so applaud anyone who has thought about it and asked to be identified as what they need to feel empowered as themselves.

I didn't really go into this in my 'live' but thought it was an interesting observation that I have had over the years and seems to come to the fore when any sort of women's events occur or when there are obvious woman / man things happening around that trigger these thoughts in me. Hence my 'live'! 

What does being a woman even mean? What is it to 'be' a woman? Because my sex is female does that mean that what I do as that is what should be included in the arena of what all women do? Is there a level of woman-type activities that I have to do to qualify as a woman? I don't really know what any of this means as I can only tell you how I feel as someone who lives in a female body. I have questioned these things for as long as I can remember and I have no answer because I cannot live in your head or all the heads of people who are or aren't female or those who identify as womxn. And you can't live in my head either-even if I could decide what my gender is or whether I even need one.

What I do know is I am Viv. I have 2 amazing children and a fantastic husband. You can add any number of labels to me because of those facts but they will not help you get to know me.

I am Viv. I'm pleased to meet you.

Thursday 11 March 2021

Why is my business called Essentially Shamanic?

When I re-launched my business on the Autumnal Equinox in 2019 (23rd September - which also happens to be my Wedding Anniversary!) I wanted a name that captured the essence of what I did. 

I had been vaguely using the name Essentially Shamanic but the re-launch gave me the chance to re-evaluate. I obviously stuck with it.

I believed that it did capture not only who I was but also what I did. Even though using the word 'shamanic' can cause confusion for those who aren't aware of shamanism as a spiritual practice or what I do, I still felt that using it would elicit curiosity, could at least lead to an interesting conversation or could lead someone down an interesting Google rabbit hole of discovery.

Learning about, experiencing the healing power of, and ultimately training as a Core Shamanic Practitioner got me to a place where I was able to comfortably accept myself. It gave me back my essential essence and I then felt able to offer that powerful healing opportunity to someone else.

So why Essentially Shamanic?

'Essentially' because: 

  1. I want everyone to be essentially themselves
  2. I use essential oils to enhance the spiritual healing experience of my work
  3. I believe that I am essentially a spiritual being
  4. Shamanic healing brought me back to the essence of who I am

'Shamanic' because

  1. I am a Core Shamanic Practioner
  2. I use core shamanic healing techniques with my clients
  3. I am guided by my shamanic power animals and shamanic guides
  4. I use dreamwork in my business which is another way in which shamans believe the soul travels to the spirit world

If you'd like to find out more about how I can help be essentially you please book a free call

Sunday 7 March 2021

Look after yourself. Don't forget the 'Deep blue'!!

Last week seemed tougher than previous weeks this year. Nothing major happened (although it was the anniversary of my Dad's Memorial / Thanksgiving service at York Minster) but I was aware that I was a little more tired than usual, a little less motivated, a little more distracted, etc and I was not taking the time to slow down or look after myself. There were signs and thoughts that were hinting that this was going to be a problem but I still ignored it.

I forgot to take my vitamins, omegas and cellular support pills; I wasn't quite so proactive with my emotional oils and my muscle rub (doTERRA's deep blue ointment), which keeps my back healthy, got misplaced. I usually apply it morning and night at the very least but I kept forgetting to find my tube and so didn't stick to my usual routine.

Fast forward to Friday and my back 'went'. I am standing straight in this photo and you can see that I am very wonky and my hips are out of alignment. 

This hasn't happened for at least 2 years (probably more) because I had been methodical with my essential oil use and other beneficial stuff for my body generally. It was so strange to be reminded of how awful this made me feel and I started out very annoyed with myself.

  • How could I be so stupid to forget to use my muscle rub?
  • Why didn't I just find the tube and put it where it needed to be?
  • Why didn't I pay attention to the signs of my brain telling me, via my body, to slow down?

And various other questions! All valid but ultimately unhelpful. 

The problem is that once my back has gone into spasm it's a lot more difficult to get out of it. Prevention is definitely better than cure in this scenario. Once I have lost the ability to stand or walk safely it is problematic.

A list of essential oils that can be used as antispasmodic
Luckily helping out a friend a week ago with some essential oils information meant that I found a helpful reference section in my Medicinal Essential Oils book. I looked up antispasmodic and found these 2 pages of oils that I could use and there were loads of them! I already knew about marjoram having used that before at any hint of back spasm issues. 

But how amazing that bergamot mint (from the doTERRA Spring Exclusives kit) had arrived that very morning. Are doTERRA wizards? How did they know? It was a sign to me and this little ray of hope turned my questions and mind chatter around.

How can I help myself now I am in this situation?
What can I do to support myself with my natural health solution knowledge and supplies?
What could I do now to pay attention to my brain's messages to slow down and find a positive in that?

And various other helpful questions! 

Even more essential oils you can use as anti-spasmodic

I even gave myself a target that if I couldn't fix this by Monday I would have to resort to going to the doctors and getting myself pills - which I hate and have made me feel shite in the past. This was very motivating and so with this in mind I got to action (in a very slow, deliberate, painful way!!!!)

  1. I took my pills and set an alarm to remind myself to take them daily
  2. I found my deep blue rub (3 tubes) and strategically placed them around the house (including one back on my chest of drawers for before bed and after waking application!) 
  3. I used the deep blue rub and layered it with copaiba essential oil and my forgive / frankincense blend on my back
  4. I took and then placed my antispasmodic oils on my chest of drawers - marjoram, bergamot mint, rosemary and a few others with capsules ready to take every 4 hours
  5. I did some spinal twists to get my spine back in place
  6. I had a hot bath and did some cold therapy too
  7. I checked how my energy body was doing and found out what was going on in my lower chakras paying particular attention to my sacral chakra (something I do as part of my spiritual / energy / shamanic work)
  8. I did some writing / journaling about what I found during my energy body scan and how I was feeling generally
I woke up Saturday morning and felt so much straighter.  I planned to use the antispasmodic oils and deep blue rub every few hours throughout the day which gave me a reason to move often throughout the day which was important for my back and for me to check my progress.

I could still feel the tension in my back. I was still worried so I added in some emotional oils on pulse points and I continued to journal my feelings, noted down this plan of action (and noted down some more antispasmodic oils) and had a plan for later in the day if things went in the right direction.

I have been walking most days at lunch with my DH who is working from home. Over the weekend we often do a longer walk or a bike ride but on Saturday I was concerned about any activity. My plan was to go for a walk if I could really feel that it would be ok for my back. Again this was a great motivator to use the oils, rest, look after myself and really tap into how my body was feeling and if it was realigning itself. 

I made it and it was so great to go out with DH, DS on a lovely late afternoon walk.

So my message to you is:
  1. Make sure that your self care is foremost in your mind ALL THE TIME or at least most of the time
  2. If your brain is telling you to remember to 
    •     take your pills
    •     use your essential oils
    •     take a break
    •     use whatever is your go-to thing to support your health and wellbeing, LISTEN TO YOURSELF
  3. PAY ATTENTION if you are:
    •     feeling a bit low 
    •     a bit demotivated 
    •     tired
    •     feeling something that might be telling you to slow down
  4. Take a BREAK when you need to and do something JOYFUL
  5. Take a bath - do some hot / cold therapy 
  6. Go for a gentle walk - notice at least 3 things in nature
  7. Lie on the floor with your feet and legs up against a wall and listen to some fab music
  8. Check your chakras and see if anything is going awry (I can help with this if you want to know more)
  9. Listen to your intuition or gut as to what you need to do
  10. Be your own cheerleader for looking after yourself
  11. Have some fun (like I did with Snapchat on my walk!)
If you want to know how to use essential oils, essential oil-infused supplements, energy body clearing or anything I have talked about here, please book a FREE spiritual / essential oil health check with me. I'm here to help you be the HERO of your HEALTH.

If you want to see what Kevin Hart thinks about doTERRA's Deep Blue rub watch here.

Friday 5 March 2021

Why autonomy is so important - creativity & diversity

Until I autonomously educated my children I didn't really know what autonomy meant to be fair. When I joined the thousands of people home educating when my DS turned 5 and didn't go to primary school, it became apparent that we were going to be a radical unschooling family, who autonomously educated or unschooled our children. 

Our children lived autonomously - deciding what they wanted to do, eat, when they wanted to sleep, what passions they wanted to pursue, etc. - all within the boundaries of our family unit: they self-governed as the Greek roots of 'auto' (self) and 'nomos' (law) stated.

I never thought that the idea of autonomy would become such an important value or ideal within my business. But it is because I want EVERYONE to be their best, intentional, amazing, unique selves. I want people to regain their power: be their own Emperor, Hero, Boss, Sovereign - as stated in some of the 'tag' lines I am now using in my business.

These 'tag' lines that are in the diagram above I believe come from my neurodiverse, dyslexic mind which I mentioned in my FB 'live' on 4/3/21 - (an exciting date by all accounts for a mathematical geek like me!) You can watch that on FB here or on YouTube here. To help my short-term memory issue I often help myself using alliteration, wordplay, acronyms and symmetry to help me.

These are some of my quirks along with my fascination with symmetry, palindromes, as well as my linking of interests in elemental work, the chakras, the directions (above) and puzzles. I also enjoy poetry, lyrics, harmonizing music and none of these things I do particularly well but that isn't the point.  

These are all important aspects of me and things that I often bring into my spiritual, healing work. By acknowledging and honouring these things in me and trusting that it is important for me to be truly me I feel that that allows me to honour you and those parts of you that are truly part of you when I do any healing work.

Owning your individuality or even our idiosyncrasies isn't always an easy thing to do, I don't think. But I think it is important. As Ken Robinson mentioned in his TED talk Schools Kill Creativity (or it might have been one of his other talks), creativity is one of humanity's natural resources and that as a species we are destroying it via our school system. 

Creativity is the way we all see the same thing but view it differently

Creativity is the way we can hear the same thing but experience it differently

Creativity is feelings arranged with words, sounds, colours, but different people who all experience things differently

Creativity is all our brains firing different neurons in different ways based on our experiences, our culture, our upbringing, our unique take on the world. 

Creativity is autonomy expressed. It is sovereignty expressed. It is diversity expressed. And vice versa!

We have to take back this autonomy/creativity and rediscover these self-governing rights that we have over our bodies, emotions, thoughts and higher power

I spent many years via my shamanic training and afterwards, retrieving power that I had lost at school, during my childhood, in unhealthy relationships, etc. That helped me realise my unique place in the world and that my neurodiverse, quirky, non-binary, geeky way of looking at the world was not only ok but was important, valuable and that I had a right to express myself authentically.

Don't get me wrong, I still have more power to reclaim and more things to learn. I also accept that not everyone wants to engage with my quirks. That's ok. You might not totally get what I am trying to explain here. That's ok. 

What isn't ok is people feeling that they can't take up their space in the world or that they have to hide who they are or they don't have anything to contribute.

Take back your sovereignty over your soul. Be the emperor of your emotions. Be the hero of your health and be the boss of your body. And feel free to do all those things your own way.