Monday, 29 March 2021

Essential Oil First Aid Kit

Here is a great list of essential oils that you can add to your first aid kit. I have given options so that you can choose your favourites. I have also colour coded where an individual oil appears more than once in the lists.

These oils are taken from Medicinal Essential Oils by Dr. Scott A. Johnson. I have only selected a few for each condition or use.

I have added a few doTERRA blends for specific purposes which contain the relevant oils listed as part of the blend.

Here is also the associated Facebook 'live' I did about this topic. I talk about making a kit for myself and one for my husband for when he is working in the woods.

If you want to ask me any questions about essential oils please get in touch.

Button to book a free discovery call with Viv Chambelrin-Kidd about essential oils at

If you want to be part of a channel where I post about essential oil facts but also other stuff then join me

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