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Dad's book had robins on it. |
I returned home and found out that Dad had been to the hospital and because they thought he had an infection they had kept him in. I went to visit with my Mum and thought it would be nice for him to have his Christmas present early as he was an avid writer.
Little did I know that the only thing he would write in that book would be his 'bucket list' after he got his terminal diagnosis.
One of the things on his list was to get his most recent book finalised and published. He never got to see the finished product but he knew it would be published before he died on Saturday 25th January 2020.
He wanted it to be free to anyone who wanted it and he managed that too. The icing on the cake for him was the fact that my daughter Indie's drawing was used on the cover.
My Dad started his writing career coming up with Letten courses for Scripture Union but later on in life, he put pen to paper and wrote various storybooks. Since his death, Mum and I have catalogued what copies we have left of his various books and so here is a chance for you to get your hands on some copies if you would like.
I am going to tell you a small bit about each book and how much the books are including p&p. Any money that we receive over and above costs will go towards Dad's wish to help his Grandson, Zack, go to Kenya (hopefully Summer 2022) to honour our ancestors.
If you would like to read more about Zack's adventures you can visit my post that talks about it here. There is also a newspaper article about it here. If you would like to donate directly you can here. If you shop online you can also help for FREE here.
Sophie's World was my Dad's last book. It is about Sophie who's Grandad has just died and is wondering what death is all about.
The irony of this being published after my Dad's death was not lost to my daughter Indie, who designed and drew the front cover and then lost her Grandad (and her first grandparent.)
It is 14 pages long and was written to help children or younger people deal with the death of a loved one.
My Dad wanted this to be free to anyone who needed it so this is £2 for p&p in the UK. If you would like a copy please contact me or pay via Paypal here adding which book/s you would like with your postal address.
My Dad wrote Sally's Angel for his, at the time, five grandchildren (his publishing company was called Bizz-B books using the initials of those 5 grandchildren!)
It starts "Discovering that you can see angels is not an easy way to remain calm on a hot summer's day. To find your first one propped up against a bollard on a traffic island in the middle of the High Street makes it even worse. That's what happened to Sally Jenkins, who was 11 years old and loved in Burlington."
The rest of the book follows the adventures of Sally, and her friends when Sally discovers that she can not only see but talk to Michael, the angel. It is a story full of the magical and often extraordinary world that children can live in.
This book is 44 pages long over 7 chapters and is priced at £4.50 with p&p being an extra £2. If you want both this and Sophie Wonders the p&p goes up to £2.50.
Again if you would like a copy please contact me or pay via Paypal here adding which book/s you would like with your postal address.
Then there is The Seeker and The Guide, a wonderful book of reality and dreams, surprises and reflections, memories and meaning. It is a book that takes you on a wonderful journey of discovery. It is 77 pages long and is priced at £5 excluding £2 p&p. I would say that this is more pitched at adults but believe that an older child would find it interesting and enlightening.Anyway again let me know if you would like copies of any of these books or just pay via Paypal here adding which book/s you would like with your postal address.
If you want this book and Sally's Angel then postage and packing is £2 but if you want all 3 books it is £3. Any other combinations would need me to work out how much p&p would be.
There are limited copies of the books but at present, we have over 50 of each so please share this page with others if you can think of anyone who would like copies of any of them. Thank you so much for reading.
Here's the beginning of The Seeker and Guide to whet your appetite.
A Seeker came to the Guide's door and asked where he should begin his journey. "What is your destination?" the Guide asked. "I do not know anything except that I must begin to travel in order to discover another way," the Seeker replied. "Then we shall begin from here" said the Guide. "Look at yourself and tell me what you see."
"I see one who has wandered for many years," said the Seeker. "I have been to all manner of places and have seen wonderful and amazing sights. I have owned houses and valuable things, taken a wife and fathered children. I am very well off and want for nothing. But in all of this, I recognise that I have discovered no clear path. I have grown older but have nothing more to say except that I have been to more places and acquired more things.
For many years I dismissed the possibility that there were things to be thought about which did not depend upon what I could buy or afford. Now I'm not so sure. I see others who ought to envy me but they only look at me with sadness. They should look for my approval and friendship for I could benefit them but they seek their fellowship elsewhere. They seem to say to me 'there is another way', and it is this that I wish to find"
The Guide pointed at the river which ran through the valley in which his home stood. "There are" he said, "some in this village who have never left its boundaries. When they come to the banks of this river you could ask them where this river comes from and where it goes, and they would tell you that it is a mystery. If I told them that the river begins in the hills fifty miles from here they would be no wiser, and if I said that it flows into the sea, it would mean nothing to them. So it is with the Way you seek: it is a mystery."