Looking back at
my post from August and especially the one from the start of 2014
here it is fascinating to see what things have changed since then. I am now employed at the Northern College of Acupuncture (
NCA). It is a blessing to work at such a worthwhile place even if it is only very part-time. I hoping that my computer programming skills might help here as well because the NCA are considering changing their client database structure.
I never got round to adding alarms to my phone for reading books and doing crafts because I wasn't organised enough at the time. I also realised I was too busy finishing my
Shamanic Practitioner training, my
Permaculture Association Trustee duties (where I was made official administrator back in July) as well as the needs to my immediate and wider family. However I have now started using google calender, google tasks, google keep and their associated apps on my phone so I am wondering whether, once my OU course is finished in July, I will add these things to my to-do-list if that is what I think is the best use of my time.
Anyway over the last year I have started finding a much-needed rhythm to my life. I feel this has been partially due to my Shamanic studies as well as my continued learning about Permaculture design methodology and how it can help design all areas of a person's life. I have started
surveying and
assessing the way my house works for us as a family. As a home educating family and my occasional need to work from home we have a myriad needs of our house from accommodating large numbers of children and parents to my needing a place to tutor students or work as a shamanic practitioner. This has led to my contemplating designing a number of rooms in the house and de-cluttering as a by-product of the design
implementation. I am going to continue this de-cluttering and am thinking of doing the
Minimalist game with my dd in the New Year as a way to
maintain and
tweak the design. Starting from the 1st January we are going to throw things out or ebay them every day. The challenging bit is that on the 2nd we have to throw 2 things out, 3 on the 3rd, 4 on the 4th, etc.
As part of
evaluating my
bedroom design over the last few weeks I have already made some changes which have resulted in at least the 6th January being sorted as I found 6 bags I don't need. Whether I will manage all the way through January will be interesting but I like the
SMARTness (see below) of this game and if it works I will be implementing it more than once as a fun
SADIMET tweak to my de-cluttering designs. My bedroom was my first design within my house but I have my dining/kitchen area that also needs designing as well as potentially my loft, garage, Shamanic room and porch. Let's see if this game works or not!!
Specific - follow the instructions
Measurable - I follow the instructions or not
Achievable - 496 items = a lot but I have many things I don't use so hopefully it is do-able
Realistic - see above
Time-bound - this is the best thing about this game. It is very specifically time-bound. By the end of January 2015 I will have 496 less things cluttering my house.
The other great thing about this game is the fact that I am limited on time at present but I want to keep my momentum from the
Permaculture Association National Diploma Gathering going. I have put
on hold starting any further designs (I have an "exercise" design that I need to write up) whilst I concentrate on finishing my OU course and settling into working at the NCA. I am however wanting to continue de-cluttering and finding more rhythm in my life. If anyone wants to join me in the game let me know!