It isn't always easy finding time to get out and about especially if you are working. I am in the planned/lucky position of home educating my children but I do work very part-time at the Northern College of Acupuncture in York as a Receptionist every other Saturday and I sometimes cover when the weekday receptionist is on their hols.
I have endeavoured whilst working here to take my 30 minutes lunch break and get out in some fresh air. The College is on Micklegate so a walk around or along the City Walls is often my walk of chose. So today that is what I did and here are some of the things I noticed!!!

I am not a particularly observant person so it was great as part of #30dayswild to actually have a reason to slow down and take in the scenery and how much green there really is even in the centre of York.
It was really lovely to notice that even when there are loads of roads and houses that there is still loads of greenery like here ->

I have fallen in love with York City Walls though because there is always something new to see as part of the nature that grows near it.
I was really pleased to get this picture of a blackbird pecking along a wall and I noticed that there was a lot of birdsong which I could hear even above the noise of the constant traffic.

It is really important that these green spaces and trees are here because York is one of the cities that has very recently been names as one of the cities that breaches the pollution levels of fine particles in the air (read about it

I also sometimes walk home (rather than cycle) and here are some of the fab places I can walk near, through, round on my way home from the centre of York up the A59.

Saturday was the first time I noticed this lovely path that has been mown through the flower meadow area near The Fox pub.

It was lovely to be able to get off the concrete path even for a few minutes to walk through the long grass and admire the flowers.

It was then on to Holgate Business Park where I always walk through the park so I can admire this plant. I discovered from the
Which Hedge website today that it is a Photinia 'Red Robin'
I then found this lovely purple flower which I think is a periwinkle although I could be wrong.
Again it was great to take the time to actually stop and see some of the fantastic wildlife that runs through the City of York.
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