I have been trying to tweet via instagram as I have gone along but I thought I would also get my pictures logged here as well!!
Day 21
The pictures below are from my walk around York City on the North West side.

Walking into town again along the river when we witnessed a huge branch breaking off a tree.
The noise it made as it broke was amazing!!
This picture shows the gap and the hanging branch.
We then spent 2 hours in the fantastic Museum Gardens which I have mentioned before in my #30dayswild blog here watching my dd play in nature with her friends!!
I snapped a picture of this squirrel but mostly just enjoyed the sun and chatting with my friends!!
Day 23
Whilst my kids were at their weekly Parkour class I took the opportunity to explore the natural wonders of my local business park and was surprised to find 2 ponds which I didn't even know were there. I also collected 3 feathers on my walk and made natural art!!
For the 3rd time in 3 days I needed to walk into town to watch my kids collect their certificates at the Children's University Summer Festival. This celebration has been planned for a few months now so I decided to take the #30dayswild challenge into account and parked up at a friends and walked into town from her and her kids.
This meant that my children and I got to experience a different part of York - photographed below - and I got to eat lunch in her garden (top left.) My friend thinks the big blue tube is something to do with gas. Her daughter thinks it is excellent to climb and I thought it made a great urban-meets-nature photo.
We then came home to another fantastic sunset (with added balloon)
AND I managed to do 14 out of 14 hours of over 250 steps on my fitbit.
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