Monday 17 October 2011


Compassion poem
1 September 2011

When you are heart-broken, turn and give the heart-broken love
When you are ill, turn and give the sick healing
When you are bereaved, turn and give those who have lost loved ones hope
When you feel off-kilter, turn and give the unbalanced steadiness
When you have lost your way, turn and bring those who are lost home
When you feel unworthy, turn and give those who feel unworthy your full attention
When you are in pain, turn and give those who hurt, wholeness
When you are lonely, turn and give those who are alone friendship
When you are tired, turn and give those who are tired a place to rest
When you feel drained, turn and give those who are weary energy
When you feel betrayed, turn and give the betrayer trust and forgiveness
When you feel bewildered, turn and give the confused faith
When you feel overwhelmed, turn and give the overwhelmed calmness
When you are at war, turn and give the warring peace
When you feel cold, turn and give warmth
When you feel anger, turn and give a hug
When you feel the tears roll down your face, turn and give a smile
When you feel trapped, turn and join those who are stuck in a dance
When you turn back you will realise you are not the same person you were before
Feel deeply, Give deeply
And from those depths, compassion flows
Through a river of tears and sadness, joy and laughter

Daughter (Zack, CK2 and Indie) poem
26 January 2011 at 19:02
A poem I wrote about my molar pregnancy miscarriage.  CK2 is the name I gave the baby because there could never have been a gender.  Indie is the daughter I had a year and a half after the miscarriage.  Zack is the boy I had 2 years before the miscarriage.

I look at you my sweetie, And there is a wall, That stops me from seeing, It is way too tall
Before you were born, There was another, A sister for Zack, Or maybe a brother
I want to hold you, But it's not comfortable, Like there's a ghost, So intangible
I watch you play, And there's an aura, Of a precious life, That came before you
I have to grieve, To really see you, I need to cry, To truly hold you
I feel great shame, About the other, Like it was my fault, Not a good enough mother
I dishonour you, I dishonour me, I dishonour my unborn, Who was not to be
So I need to grieve, To truly see, The wonder of you, Not my miscarried baby
It wasn't my fault, And it wasn't yours, You are a wondrous gift, Who I want to adore
So CK2, A painful blessing, Here's to you, For you I'm grieving
And in my crying, The mists are clearing, The walls come down, My pain is freeing
I see my daughter, Here soul so clear, Indiana Nova, My new one so dear
In honouring her, I honour the lost, And the pain I feel, Doesn't seem such a cost
There's a place in my heart, For all I hold dear, But now to the living, My daughter's right here
She needs to be seen, In her own way, Not as a shadow, Or as an echo of pain
So I grieve, I cry, Send CK2 a kiss, I see my dear Indie, As she truly is

Wobbly bits
15 January 2011

I love my hula hooping
It really is a joy
To class as exercise equipment
Something that is a toy

But when you first try to hula
Most people look quite weird
A bit like those old ladies
Who seem to have a beard!

There are those bits of you that wobble
Which you didn't know you had
And those parts of you you knew would move
That you woudn't show your Dad

It really is good exercise though
Do not get me wrong
But until you are an expert
Or can keep hulla-ing for quite long

I woudn't show a soul
Your hula hooping tricks
Not unless you want them to see
All your wobbling bits

It is best to hula in private
Unless you want a giggle
Or unless you are an exhibitionist
And want to show off your wiggle

But as exercising goes
It really is a laugh
Even if you look a sight
And really feel quite daft

I'm glad I found the sport of hooping
I enjoy the hula spinning
And maybe in the future
They won't be so much of me wobbling

Hands held high poem 
23 March 2010

Keep hoping, keep dreaming
Through your mist the sun is streaming
Keep crying, keep listening
Through rising mists your sun is glistening
Keep hugging, keep sharing
Keep striving, keep caring
Keep loving, keep growing
In the day-break our unknowing
Turns to beauty, skies so clear
In your heart - wishes held near
Don't lose hope, your friends are waiting
To hold you up if you are breaking
Your soul held high under the sun
With all the love it makes you one
Your soul reborn, your hands held high
Spread your wings and you can fly

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