Tuesday 20 September 2011

Bored of this diet thing now (but also exciting stuff)

If I don't write this now I know I won't get around to it for another few days.  I am half way through the 2 weeks of no wheat and no dairy and I am thoroughly fed up with it to be honest.  It fell across a week away seeing various family last week which stopped me having food the same as others at cafes; at the pancake house at Center Parcs (they could do gluten free but the pancake mix had milk powder in it :-( ) and no puddings anywhere.    Also I tried to get a salad at Marks and Spencers on the way home and NONE of their salads are dairy or wheat free.  I couldn't believe that!!!  I don't know how allergy sufferers or concerned consumers do it to be honest and I am still eating oats and rye and other gluten containing grains.  I think I need to do a bit more research into the gluten thing though as I don't think that eating as much porridge and rye bread as I am at the moment is doing me any good.  Anyway enough of the whining.
The exciting stuff ->  the forest school taster morning was fab and I want to look more into that as a way of sharing nature with my kids and others as part of my Permaculture adventure.  Collected loads of fir cones and fire-lighting stuff at that forest and at Center Parcs.  I so love that nature provides all these cool things.  Also have been eating blackberries all over the place over the last week.  Also as part of the PD (permaculture diploma - PD is what I will call it from now on) I have made a pact with a fellow PD student to spend less time on facebook per day as an incentive to get more stuff done.  So from today (and yes I have managed it today so far) I am limiting myself to less than an hour on facebook.  It might help my mood as well as I do tend to be a 'grass is greener' on the other side type of person where I see what exciting things other people are doing and wish I was doing those things too - thus not giving myself enough time to do the cool things that others are doing!!!!  Ah - the social-network-vicious-cycle.  My not-washing-my-hair is in its 8th week and it has been quite yucky for the last week and still is so not quite sure how that is going to be honest.  I am going to stick with it though as even though it feels greasy at the moment I still prefer the way it looks and want to see how it goes past 8 weeks.

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