Monday 29 August 2011

A day of building the first patio raised bed

Before the raised bed construction

Before construction

Before construction

The area has been cleared and construction begins

One down, three to go

Here's mine.  This was the first time I had used the compound  sliding mitre saw!!

Getting there

Nearly done

Flapjack - the Frizzle chicken wants to know what is going on

Viv - the espalier tree

And here's Silkie - the black/brown Silkie cross having a nosey
A successful day all round I think.  I did the clearing a few days back and we had enough wood to nearly finish the raised bed.  Think we are going to plant the plum tree in the main bit and I am going to try and train it along the wall.  The lemon and lime trees are going to stay in their pots but go at either end so they get the benefit of the heat from the walls on either side.  Then I will try and companion plant to help the plum with plants like horseradish (a pest confuser); tansy (good for all fruit trees); garlic (dynamic accumulators of sulphur, fluorine and manganese), nasturtiums (good nitrogen fixer) and maybe peas.  Will have to see what we can get hold of when we start planting.  A good day though and fun too!!

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